
How it works

This tool filters the market for items which can yield a profit when salvaged. Since salvage rewards are based on the rarity, you can also view the resulting resources in their corresponding rarity tabs.

The price selectors can be used to filter for specific combinations of sell and buy prices.

  • Item: The salvageable item
  • Rarity: The rarity of the salvageable item
  • Sell Price: The sell price of the salvageable item
  • Buy Price: The buy price of the salvageable item
  • Resources (Sell): The sum of the resources sell price. Doesn't include market fee.
  • Resources (Buy): The sum of the resources buy price. Doesn't include market fee.
  • Margin (X|X): The margin based on the selected prices. Includes market fee.
Buy Item for:
Sell Resoruces for: